Wednesday, July 27, 2011

2 Posts in the Same week? Madness I say

Well not really but I was flickr perving today and came across something that I apparently had managed to miss for the last three months.  EmeraldEyes Honi, who was most recently Miss UK in the previous cycle of Miss Virtual World, has left SL.  I'm not sure why I missed it, I can't say I was working or casting a lot in April, well anymore than normal, but I think I go off into my own world sometimes and just don't see things.  But as I've been saying to people a lot lately, sometimes things happen at a certain time for a reason.  Maybe I wouldn't have been as effected by it a few months ago, maybe I would have gotten angry.  I'm really not sure.  But right now it's just made me a little sad.  I can't say I knew her well because I didn't but she felt like a kindred spirit and I respected the work that she and other Black models had done on the grid.  In general, I hate to see people that I know walk away  from SL, unless of course they are a flaming psychopath, but this news--delayed though it may be--feels like even more of a letdown that someone as talented and open is gone as well.  I don't really need a back story but I did want to wish her well on the off chance someone sees her or she sees this.  Our worlds keep spinning, virtual and otherwise, I just hope to see her and those like her before the rotation stops for me.


-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

I finished my '{YeOlEye-Beam}', a true story about sex in Heaven. You’d definitely like it. C'mon, people. The Devil's a deceiver. Ain't no sex in Hell; puh-lentee of sex Upstairs for eternity.