Friday, October 1, 2010

It was an honor to just be nominated

Well it would have been if I had actually been nominated for something.  The results of the MAD Agency casting were released today and while I made it to the end of the process I was not selected to join the agency this go round.  I wasn't particularly holding my breath on that one because there were some stellar models amongst the competition and really I'm just not that well known.  It was a good experience and I appreciate the multi-tiered application process as it did give us all a chance to be ourselves and shine in whatever way we could.  The risk didn't necessarily pay off but I really did enjoy myself and it was an utmost honor to have even made the initial cut.  I'll keep plugging along, you know I always do lol.

Shame on me for not sharing Skip's amazing pic earlier but I was trying not inundate you with blog posts.  With no further delay here is the photo that he gave me in my leather cutie pie set.

Let me just say again, Skip is freaking amazing.  None of this image was present when he snapped it.  Just me as kinky as a pair of pasty and a fishnet top would allow me to be.  It's just uber sexy and I have to thank him for that yet again. 

I didn't walk in the SE show but because I was in on rehearsals I did get to cue the girls for the show.  I hope I didn't screw that up too bad, no one out front seemed to notice so that's great.  And I'm casting for their next shows since a few will be at 6PM and I'm good and free at 6PM.  Not sure if I'll get picked but again this phase of life is all about taking the chance and hoping it works out.  I'm debating entering the next Betty Boop vintage contest on Flickr.  I love Donna Flora but blonde pinup isn't exactly my forte area lol.  If I woman up I'll let you know.  The one I did for the Betty lingerie is on my flickr page and probably rotating on the side over there to the right.  Okay that's enough for now. 

Catch ya soon,