Saturday, May 15, 2010

Yeah brain still tired

Brain is still tired a bit and I woke up this morning God awful dizzy with no real explanation for it.  So the middle of my day was full of nap.  Nap is goooooood.  Last night I did the shoot that had been a little delayed and I swear I love meeting new photographers because they all work a little differently and are interesting in their own rights.  This morning was another casting with JSE which I thought I did okay in but wasn't asked to stay out very long after the last pose so figured it wasn't in the cards for this show or the other one I put in for---as I hadn't gotten that one.  But after I woke up from my luscious nappy nap I was feeling better and will just be positive about the outcome because you never know what may happen.  I might make a tiny addendum to this one tomorrow when the results are posted.  Haven't done much shopping lately except random 50L or 69L shopping days.  Laqroki has put out some gorgeous new skins but the darkest tones were in the new tone--Mocha which is quite pretty but several shades lighter than your everyday Rouge.  The makeup on the newest one is AMAZING so if you aren't a normal LAQ shopper go check it out.  Ok back to watching my lasagna and whatever movie I can get into.