Sunday, August 23, 2009

The World Keeps Spinning

So another week has come and gone and all is right in my SL world. Rehearsal is going well. I have a great partner to do my walks with and have already finished doing all the accessorizing for my outfits. I do need to work on poses and get used to timing each other to move as in sync as possible. Regardless, the show is coming along nicely and I'm enjoying the preparations. I have skipped a few castings as of late but it's mostly because I'm getting ready for my classes with Maniera which would conflict with a few tentative practice schedules not to mention the schedule of the show I'm already in. I should try to juggle them I'm sure but I'd rather be focused right now on one show instead of wearing myself thin and not really enjoying any of it.

I forgot to apply for the last week at JCNY so this will be my first month since I started applying not being involved in it at all. But a good friend made it back in and I can try to go support her depending on when the finale is scheduled for this month. I haven't really entered too many contests as of late. I did have a photo done for the Chanel BOSL contest and I'll try to post that before I end this entry but other than that I entered Miss Bliss Couture ages ago and I'm just waiting to see if I made the cut out of the 300 entries they received. Nothing much else is going on. And I'm a little sleepy so I'm gonna wrap this up. Have a good evening, morning and afternoon lol.


Not that anyone would be wondering lol but the outfit in this shot is from Ivalde. It's in the L'abel section of the store upstairs and I bought it at least three months ago. The hat I stumbled across when I went looking for vintage hats. I tried the store that Ivalde mentions on several signs but they weren't the right era for what I was looking for. It's the Lady Emma hat from Hatpins. If you have never been there and are into vintage wear please check them out. I heart them.