Wednesday, June 17, 2009

When I grow up

Or Day Four of the Big Bad Blogger Challenge. Here's the topic du jour:

If there was someone you could trade places with for one day in Second Life, who would it be and why? Bonus points if you find this person and snap a picture with them!

You know I have never even thought about this. Who would I be in SL if I wasn't me? I mean given my current interests I guess I could shot for one of the supermodels in SL or one of the more successful magazine publishers but really I could still possibly do those things as just plain old me. I'm not sure I have the economic fortitude or business acumen to be her but the thought of being Anshe Chung does intrigue me. I mean who wouldn't want to be the first SL millionaire? At a time when I'm just waiting to start breaking even on the lindens I spend versus the ones I make, that just seems like it would be fascinating to me. Would I stay in my RL profession or would I just bail on it entirely (I could always downsize it I guess)? Would I be able to explore my other interests or would I be so tied up with running my enterprises that wouldn't even be a possibility? Would the money allow me to actually finish and shop around any of the half dozen books floating around in my head? Not a clue but having the financial security in place to even bat those ideas around would so rock. I'd adore that, oh and I'd be able to pay off the intrepid student loan company and buy us a large enough house that I could forget I have a guest or two when I wanted. Provided I didn't become complacent and just say screw the business now that it's making money for me. I'm almost always mostly content with just being me but every now and then I wish I had the drive of an Anshe Chung to see where that might push my endeavors.